More Space for More Cars
Complete Motorsport Solutions, has just invested in an additional 10,000 SqFt of storage and workshop space.
Since moving into the new building in Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire in August 2017, the team has continued expanding, gaining new customers, and more race cars, and once again the team has outgrown another building, during the winter period of 2018 CMS has had the builders in building an additional floor, adding an extra 10,000 square feet of storage and workshop space, this will help to allow for the growing number of cars and customers.
If you want to become part of an ever growing exciting team, working on some of the most prestigious historic race cars, have previous experience, or a have keen passion to progress into a motorsport career, CONTACT US
We are always interested in new and potential customers, if you have a race car or cars that needs restoring, transporting or need a team to help support you. Contact Complete Motorsport Solutions for a customised quotation designed around everything you need or would like. We specialise in providing a professional, reliable service with clear, and competitive costs. CONTACT US.
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